Capturing Art in the City
through Dance Photography of Hong Kong’s Young Dancers
Art is everywhere, which is why DANCE PROJECT HK brings together dance, photography, and the artistic nuances of the city. This one of a kind photography series features astonishing images of child dancers amongst the backdrop of Hong Kong’s architectural cityscapes.
These dancers may be small, but their artistry and passion for dance is mighty! DANCE PROJECT HK provides young dancers with the rare opportunity to experience high art and challenge their artistry. Allowing our youth to step beyond their boundaries of creativity and exploration.
Each year unveils different locations around Hong Kong, bringing out the distinctive dynamism of our city. From heritage sites that reflect a wealth of rich history, to modern day architecture marking the pace of innovation, we capture the attributes of sites both old and new.
The interchangeability of life and art is eminent in our city, but with our busy lives focused on getting from A to B, we sometimes miss the sparks that surround us. Let these captivating dance photos open your eyes to the vibrant and magical aspects of Hong Kong!
藝術無處不在,DANCE PROJECT HK 將舞蹈、攝影和這城市的藝術風貌完美融合在一起。此別樹一幟的舞蹈攝影項目於香港大小特色景點取景,呈現出本地兒童舞者的活力與風采。
一眾小舞者雖然年紀輕輕,其藝術才能和對舞蹈的熱忱卻是毫不遜色!DANCE PROJECT HK 為年輕舞者帶來體驗高雅藝術的寶貴機會,讓年輕一代能夠衝破界限,盡情發揮創意去探索藝術的可能性。