Project HK x Wilfred Yuen
Location地點: West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Cheryl Ho.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Wear Moi.
Dancer’s me-time.
Enjoying a peaceful moment while sitting next to the calming ocean and watching the world go by, these can be a relaxing self-reflection session as a routine - letting go of the worries and stress, stop and think about what makes you jump higher. Right at the edge of the West Kowloon Cultural District, perhaps you can catch a show after your me-time!
在平靜的海傍,享受寧靜的時光,觀察人來人往的世界,這些對於舞者來說是放鬆自己和自我反省的定期練習 —— 鬆綁憂慮和壓力,靜一靜,想一想,什麼會令自己跳得更高。正正在西九文化區的邊緣,可能享受完屬於自己的時間後,有機會可以在附近看一場表演!
Location地點: Kai Tak Cruise Terminal啟德郵輪碼頭.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Emmeline Scott.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
The passion for perfection.
Before the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal was built, the Kai Tak Airport runway had served aviation until 1998. The landing approach for planes using the runway situated in the urban area next to the harbour was regarded as one of the most challenging yet striking experiences. When the stunning view of Victoria Harbour becomes the backdrop of the stage, it sparks the desire to perfect the alignment in dance.
Location地點: West Kowloon Cultural District Waterfront Promenade西九文化區海濱長廊.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Isabella Lo.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Just a Corpse.
Owning a pre-eminent urban scenery of Victoria Harbour and facing to the Central and Western District of Hong Kong, the waterfront promenade linking the Art Park is a gorgeous public space for all sorts of relaxation happenings. Stretching, jumping, dancing - the space is there for you, rain or shine.
擁有與別不同的都市景象,面向維多利亞港和港島的中西區並連接著藝術公園的海濱長廊,迎合公眾所需的休閒輕鬆活動。伸展、跳躍、舞動 —— 無論好天還是下雨天,這個公眾休憩地都歡迎你。
Location地點: Xiqu Centre戲曲中心.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Adelie Gosse.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
East Meets West - when ballet and Chinese theatre collide.
Both are devoted to the stage, Chinese theatre and ballet require years of training and a meticulous attitude to every move. Sometimes, performers have to sleep on it and think it through to improve every move for a better audience experience.
中西互融 - 當芭蕾遇上中國戲曲。
Location地點: Hong Kong Cultural Centre香港文化中心.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Lovella Chiu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Fancy a peek from the backstage? The Grand Theatre at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre is a dynamic performance venue for a wide range of world-class level of performances including ballets, theatrical productions, musicals, operas and concerts. The tour from this entrance will show you around the stage, dressing rooms, an orchestra pit and a 1734-seat auditorium. This entrance gives convenience for the ballerinas to breathe in some fresh air between the acts during a rehearsal!
Location地點: Hong Kong Cultural Centre香港文化中心.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Lovella Chiu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Known as Kowloon Station for the former Kowloon-Canton Railway, the surrounding area of the Clock Tower and the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza have become the most visited public space in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui. The aisle between the two rows of palm trees is also one of the hottest spots for photo opportunities. How can a ballerina say no to an invitation of a charming pose?
Location地點: Stone Wall Trees, Kennedy Town堅尼地城石牆樹.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Leah Wong.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Just a Corpse.
When the root is deep, you can dance and battle with the wind! The collective of these centuries-old stone wall trees is a unique landscape artefact with high cultural values and presents a story of the colonial landscape transformation. Stone Wall Trees weren’t grown in a day, likewise a dancer’s training takes years.
Location地點: ArtLane, Sai Ying Pun西營盤藝里坊.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Abbie Fitzgibbon.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
The vibrancy and the richness of the colours have aroused muscles and tendons. When the corps de ballet is blooming, you really can’t resist immersing yourself in the bliss of dance in this polychromatic wonderland!
Location地點: Xiqu Centre戲曲中心.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Adelie Gosse.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
East Meets West - when ballet and Chinese theatre collide.
The prestigious Xiqu Centre is well-known for its architectural design with the glowing facade which resembles the curtain of the stage, letting the visitors and audiences look forward to the forthcoming spectaculars. Leaning on the curtain of the stage also resembles the affection a dancer has towards stage life.
中西互融 - 當芭蕾遇上中國戲曲。
Location地點: Kai Tak Cruise Terminal啟德郵輪碼頭.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Emmeline Scott.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Balance training is an essential part in a ballerina’s daily routine. Having excellent balance will require the dancers to control large muscle groups and even small muscles and joints. Training balance while enjoying the striking view of Hong Kong, why not?
Location地點: West Kowloon Cultural District西九文化區.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Cheryl Ho.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Wear Moi.
Jumping feels like flying!
Birds learn how to use their wings when they fall, while dancers master their charming poses in the air before they land. Come and find out this secret corridor! It is right at the waterfront promenade in the Art Park!
小鳥在跌的時候學會用翅膀,而舞者要征服的是雙腳著地前領空擺 pose的短暫瞬間。來西九文化區尋找這個秘密的通道吧!它就在藝術公園的海傍附近。
Location地點: Kai Tak Cruise Terminal啟德郵輪碼頭.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Emmeline Scott.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
The further you reach, the further you desire to reach!
There is no perfection but the journey pursuing perfection is ever inspiring! Training requires endless hard work, energy and time. The more you train, the higher you reach and the more you want to achieve. When hard work pays off, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Location地點: ArtLane, Sai Ying Pun西營盤藝里坊.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Abbie Fitzgibbon.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Diving in the picturesque path to pick up some lively vibes! This visually striking lane offers an astonishing dancing ambience. Let’s get started and get moving!
Location地點: ArtLane, Sai Ying Pun西營盤藝里坊.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Abbie Fitzgibbon.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Lost in colours? The facade of these old buildings have landed themselves as canvas for local and international mural artists. While the colours are giving this neighbourhood an arty fresh look, the glowing tones are also composing the rhythm - Now, arms up for a round of warm up!
迷失在色彩中?街里巷間的舊樓牆身已經變成本地和國際牆畫藝術家的畫布。繽紛的色彩令西營盤鄰近的社區換上清新的藝術氣質,亮麗的色調也響起了舞動的拍子 —— 是時候開始熱身了!
Location地點: West Kowloon Cultural District Waterfront Promenade西九文化區海濱長廊.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Isabella Lo.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Just a Corpse.
Dance props up a piece of sky! Ocean has waves, just like ups and downs in our lives. Dancing extends the encouragement from movements to the attitude to life. No matter where you dance, the ground is the stage; No matter what the background is like, the dancer is always in the spotlight.
舞蹈撐起一片天! 海洋有浪花,生活有起伏。練舞過程中的鼓勵從跳舞動作到生活態度生生不息。無論在哪裡,在腳下的地就是舞台;無論舞台背景是怎樣佈局,舞者永遠都是聚光燈下的亮點。
Location地點: Kai Tak Cruise Terminal啟德郵輪碼頭.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Emmeline Scott.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
When it kicks you, kick it back!
Flexibility is not just for dancing, it is also the growing progress during a dancer’s training after being pushed. Kicking the difficulties, kicking the obstacles and kicking everything in the way of a path for transformation.
Location地點: Hong Kong Cultural Centre香港文化中心.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Lovella Chiu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Give yourself a hug and be the ray of sunshine! This celebrated performing arts venue carries colonial history and offers a soothing surrounding area for the public. When the sunlight reflects on the pillars around the complex, the pattern of the shadow becomes an engaging natural artwork for a snap!
Location地點: Kai Tak Cruise Terminal啟德郵輪碼頭.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Emmeline Scott.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
The higher you jump, the more stunning view you see!
The corridor stretches itself all the way through the former runway, such a design of Kai Tak Cruise Terminal is the perfect for a ballerina to perform chaînés (continuous rotation and keep moving in a line or a circle) with a grand jeté at the end. And the dancer deserves to enjoy the panorama view of Hong Kong while dancing all the way in her solo part.
Project HK x Ivy Tang
Location地點: Jockey Club Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港理工大學賽馬會創新樓.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Pallas Leung.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Stand out in the concrete jungle!
An industrial space transformed into art by the simple touch of colour and movement. This queen of the jungle keeps her hair neat and taut so that she can spin, leap, and slide all day long.
Location地點: Blue House, Wan Chai灣仔藍屋.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Abigail Leung.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
What's the secret password?
Why dance of course! Guarding the doors to a wonderland of pirouettes and jetés, no one gets past this powerful dancer. Beaming in yellow, her pose is right on point!
「請說出正確暗號,方能入內。」「哈,暗號當然是 Dance 啦!」
Location地點: Lok Wah South Estate樂華南邨.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Mikaela Ho.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Bendy and stretchy just like PINK bubblegum!
In dance, passion is just one piece of the puzzle. Hard work and practice goes a long way. Stretching may not be everyone's favourite part of dance, but overtime it gets a little easier and more enjoyable to do. And on the plus side, it makes for some great party tricks!
Location地點: Spiral Staircase, Garden Road, Central中環花園道旋轉樓梯.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Renee Huang.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows!
Gracefully running up the stairs before the clock strikes 12, a long fluorescent train trails behind her every step. A combination of natural shadows and light illuminate the pavement with unique patterns and prints!
Location地點: The White Chapel, Discovery Bay愉景灣海濱禮堂.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Qhawekazi Monin.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Amongst the towering triangular chapel, these sporty tones of green, yellow and pink add a little spark into the picture! Whether feeling the breeze brush by in an outdoor setting or while doing chaîné turns, every moment in dance is electric!
Location地點: School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong香港城市大學創意媒體學院.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Elise Lam.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Pointing up to the very top!
These crisp white glacial walls capture the briskness of our dancer in blue. Creating sharp shapes with her toes and fingers like wintery icicles. Frozen in time, this picture perfect pose expresses the beauty of movement.
躍動 · 比天高!
Location地點: Hong Kong Design Institute香港知專設計學院.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Mikaela Ho.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
"X" Marks the Spot!
Embarking on our own treasure hunt of sorts, we've scouted out the best spot to get our shot! Bold in blue, this jump for joy amplifies the enormous size of these asymmetrical pillars. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Location地點: Jockey Club Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港理工大學賽馬會創新樓.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Pallas Leung.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
It's not about how high you jump, it's about how you land.
Stay grounded in everything you do, because there's always room to grow. Lunging into the next leap, this dancer reaches her limbs beyond her fingers and toes to achieve flawless extension.
Location地點: Spiral Staircase, Garden Road, Central中環花園道旋轉樓梯.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Renee Huang.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
A dancer never gets dizzy!
The secret to spinning is to find the perfect spot to focus your eyes on. Surrounded by many details and architectural nuances, these summery hues of pink and yellow shine bright amongst the infinite spiralling staircase.
Location地點: Nam Shan Estate南山邨.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Myrelle Lam.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
These jungle gym bars are like the arches of a rainbow.
Fiery, fierce and draped in red, this dancer adds a dash of spice to bring this photo to life! Great dancers take command of the stage, be it in the theatre or city streets!
Location地點: Jimmy Bridge - Wai Yip Street Pedestrian Bridge志明橋-偉業街行人天橋.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Jasper Yu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
With strength and power, no leap is too big for this dancer!
Strokes of blue and red stripes pave the way. Preparing for a dance marathon of tours en l'air, fouettés, barrel turns, and straddle's time to put that game face on. Ready, set, GO!
鮮豔的紅,活潑的藍——渾身是勁!來為一連串舞蹈動作 tours en l'air、fouettés、barrel turns、straddle jumps……作好準備!眼望前方,預備,開始!
Location地點: Blue House, Wan Chai灣仔藍屋.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Abigail Leung.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Dancing in an ocean of Blue!
Reminding us of the serene sea and sky, this colour can also be loud and confident! Spreading her wings like a canary swooping past the clouds, now this is how you strike a pose!
Location地點: Jockey Club Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University香港理工大學賽馬會創新樓.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Pallas Leung.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
A blend of red and yellow, the colour orange presents us with a taste of joy, creativity, and enthusiasm! Splashing with colour, the dancer represents vivid images, striking poses, and breathtaking landscapes.
Location地點: Nam Shan Estate南山邨.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Myrelle Lam.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Like fireflies in the night sky, the city lights glow.
Fiery, fierce and draped in red, this dancer adds a dash of spice to bring this photo to life! Great dancers take command of the stage, be it in the theatre or city streets!
Project HK x Manual Wong
Location地點: Choi Hung Estate彩虹邨.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Faye Hoyle.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Named after its “rainbow” exterior, Choi Hung Estate is one of the oldest public housing estates in Hong Kong. With 11 blocks of residential buildings, various shops and restaurants are located in the area. Surrounded by a labyrinth of roads, the estate is still accessible by major roads , making it a convenient Instagrammable location. Its cheerful and colourful background attracts locals and tourists alike for some fabulous photo taking.
Location地點: Tsing Yi Bamboo Theatre青衣戲棚.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Cheryl Ho.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
What goes up, must come down! The Bamboo Theatre in Tsing Yi is a temporary structure that uses the signature architectural design and construction methods of Hong Kong’s bamboo scaffolding. You can visit this illustrious site twice a year, once for the celebration of the birth of ‘The Empress of Heaven’, Tin Hau and the other for ‘The True Lord’, Zhen Jun. Revealing her true colours, this dancer is wearing a traditional Chinese Dance headpiece known as “Pheasant feathers”.
Location地點: Lok Wah South Estate樂華南邨.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Faye Hoyle.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Like a hall of reflective mirrors, Lok Wah South Estate features one of the city’s most unique architectural ingenuities. The public housing estate was built in the early 1980s in Ngau Tau Kok. It soon became an attraction of Hong Kong due to its blue geometric tunnel that sat on the roof of the car park. Locals, tourists, and especially photographers love visiting this site to capture some striking photos against this amazing background.
Location地點: Tsing Yi Bamboo Theatre青衣戲棚.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Cheryl Ho.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
The temporary theatre displaying traditional opera opens annually to celebrate the birthdays of Chinese god and goddess, Zhenjun and Tin Hau. Together with stalls selling a variety of local snacks, the celebration attracts thousands of visitors each year.
Location地點: Instagram Pier, Western District Public Cargo Working Area西區公眾貨物裝卸區.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Ashley Siu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
A pier named after a social media app? Western District Public Cargo Working Area (also known as Instagram Pier) is one of the six cargo working areas managed by Hong Kong Marine Department. It was given its nickname because of the huge influx of Instagram posts and media coverage that took place here. Instagram Pier won the “Outstanding Public Space Election” and has attracted many locals and tourists.
以著名社交媒體命名的碼頭?「西區公眾貨物裝卸區」(又稱「Instagram 碼頭」)是香港海事處管理的六個貨物裝卸區之一,之所以會有這麼一個別稱,皆因此地近年成了「打卡」熱點,Instagram上的相關照片多不勝數,而相關媒體報導亦不少。「Instagram 碼頭」吸引無數市民和遊客到訪,更曾於「優秀公共空間選舉」中獲勝。
Location地點: Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple嗇色園黃大仙祠.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Nica McMahon.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
A bounty of rich heritage and architectural beauty contrasts the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong’s city life. Built in 1921, this historic building is home to three religions, including Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. In search of wonder and mystique? The Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple is also well known for its fortune telling and divine guidance. Stop over at this sacred site and see what your future holds, maybe a fun photo or a personal revelation?
Location地點: Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple嗇色園黃大仙祠.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Joni Singleton.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
A little pocket of peace and paradise sits right here in Hong Kong at the Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple. This network of religious halls and shrines is bridged by naturous gardens and fountains. The temple is a historic site that houses three religions (Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism). The beauty of nature, divinity, meditation and peace can all be found under one roof at the Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple. Take a breather and visit this lush site which exudes calmness. Or snap a shot within the gardens, and take note of its impeccable feng shui!
Location地點: Instagram Pier, Western District Public Cargo Working Area西區公眾貨物裝卸區.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Ashley Siu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Green, yellow, red – Wait! We absolutely can’t get the vivid blue missing. The dancer is merging herself as a part of the cargo working area to create a balanced palette of warm and cold colours to share the diverse feelings brought by dance.
Location地點: Lingnan Garden嶺南之風.
Dance Student: Madeleine Wu.
Dancewear: Tutulamb.
With an ancient Chinese architectural design, Lai Chi Kok Park - Lingnan Garden takes us back in time. Open to the public in 2000, this historic site occupies 12,500 square metres. Embrace the beauty of vintage and snap the perfect shot!
Location地點: Instagram Pier, Western District Public Cargo Working Area西區公眾貨物裝卸區.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Ashley Siu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Hong Kong acts as a hub for import and export due to its coastal proximity. Western District Public Cargo Working Area (Instagram Pier) is one of the main cargo locations that handles various types of cargo every day. Neighbouring the hip district of Kennedy Town, Instagram Pier attracts plenty of tourists and locals for the ultimate scenic snapshot. With boats, shipping containers and stacks of bamboo, you can be sure to capture some quirky photos with these unique backdrops. For the best experience, visit this cargo dock on the weekend!
香港這沿海城市地理位置優越,一直以來都是重要的貿易樞紐。「西區公眾貨物裝卸區」(有「Instagram 碼頭」之稱)是香港一個主要貨物裝卸區,每天處理各類型貨物。「Instagram 碼頭」鄰近充滿潮流氣息的堅尼地城,經常吸引大批市民和遊客前去拍攝獨特美照——船隻、貨櫃、層層疊起的竹枝都是最佳拍攝背景,何愁拍不到特色照片?想得到最佳體驗,不妨週末前往!
Location地點: Choi Hung Estate彩虹邨.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Faye Hoyle.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
The studio is a dancer's playground, and sometimes that playground is out in the sun! Stretching her toes while bathing in the summer sun, this ballerina stands out in her classic red leotard and white tutu. This is truly a picture worth a thousand words.
Location地點: Lok Wah South Estate樂華南邨.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Faye Hoyle.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Taking a tutu break, this dancer bathes in the sun with her striking pink leggings against this shadow striped tunnel. Never venturing too far from her ballerina roots, she makes certain that her toes are always pointed!
Location地點: Instagram Pier, Western District Public Cargo Working Area西區公眾貨物裝卸區.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Ashley Siu.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Dancing amongst the wind and the waves, this dancer extends her arms reaching out past the pier against the stunning backdrop of Hong Kong.
Project HK x Manual Wong
Location地點: Central MTR Station中環港鐵站.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Scarlett Gannon.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Central Station! Originally named Chater Station, the sprawling station with 14 exits was opened in 1980 by Princess Alexandra.
The distinctive calligraphy written by MTR’s retired architect Mr Abe Au has become an iconic feature of MTR. The featured “Calligraphy Master” costume brilliantly celebrates the traditional art of Calligraphy with a touch of modernity, embodying elements from the East and West in one.
中環 Central!中環站的英文名稱原為Chater,1980年,雅麗珊郡主為此站主持開幕儀式。現在,中環站共有十四個出口,錯綜複雜的結構令乘客有時難免迷失方向。
Location地點: Monster Building怪獸大廈.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Sofia Britton.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
A breathtaking shot at the “Monster Building” in Quarry Bay. This little-known location has been made a tourist hotspot since being featured in the Hollywood blockbuster Transformers: Age of Extinction in 2014.
Location地點: Tung Choi Street - Ladies Market通菜街——女人街.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Helena Karuna Krueger.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
This one-kilometre street market has over 100 stalls. Not to be fooled by its name, this market sells all kinds of merchandise not only for the ladies. From clothing, accessories to CDs and home furnishings, the market is frequented by both locals and tourists.
Location地點: Central Pedder Street中環畢打街.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Abbie Fitzgibbon, Penelope Dominique, Myrelle Lam.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Established in early colonial days, the street was named after William Pedder, the Navigating Officer of the British warship Nemesis and the first Harbour Master of Hong Kong.
In its heydays, Pedder Street was home to many significant commercial and governmental establishments. Inspired by a few of Hong Kong’s most common transportation, Taxi, Tram and Minibus, Tutulamb’s three variations of Busy Transit costumes fit in seamlessly in this nowadays major thoroughfare in the heart of Central.
Location地點: Graham Street Market嘉咸街市集.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Sofia Britton.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
This market located in the heart of Central on a slope has been serving its community for over 150 years. With a lineup of stalls selling fresh vegetables, fruits to eggs and fermented products, it’s one of Hong Kong’s oldest markets.
Location地點: Sai Yeung Choi Street西洋菜街.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Lynette Cheng.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
A hot spot for Hong Kong locals, it’s considered as the most popular and crowded street in the already busy Mong Kok.
The heavily populated street is occupied not only with shops but a myriad of signs from both current and previous occupants. The featured Tutulamb Flashing Sign costume here was inspired by nightscape of the almost never-ending lineup of signs.
Location地點: Pottinger Street 石板街-砵典乍街.
Dance Student舞蹈學生: Sofia Britton.
Dancewear舞蹈服裝: Tutulamb.
Also known as Stone Slab Street to locals. The stone slabs were paved in 1840s’ to make the originally steep slope easier to ascend and descend. It‘s one of the oldest streets in Hong Kong and categorized as a Grade 1 historic building.